Lactation Support Matters
Caring for and feeding babies is a learned art as much as it is a biological process. Skilled, kind, knowledgeable support is crucial for lactating parents. The Community Lactation Access Project is dedicated to training support people in every community, at multiple access points for parents.
The mission of the Community Lactation Access Project is to provide training to all people who have found a space to fill with lactation support. Every voice has value and every person who seeks to help will find a place for the support to spread.
By learning with an experienced IBCLC and community lactation support person, class participants gain more skills to support families through the lifecycle of lactation, to communicate effectively with and counsel parents during a stressful time, and to work in the circle of perinatal support as effective change agents.
Class participants have the following backgrounds:
Midwives, doctors, nurses and others in the healthcare field
Peer lactation counselors
Specialists in perinatal mental health
Childbirth educators
Birth doulas
Postpartum doulas
Community lactation counselors
IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants)
NICU staff
Interested and invested community members:​
Refugee people
Those working with refugee people
Immigrant people
Those working with immigrant people
Emergency / disaster responders
Community health workers
Institutional staffers
Public Health specialists
First responders
Human Resources personnel
Wellness coaches
Each course is customized to meet the diverse needs of the participants taking the course.
As course founder, Gina Penka Corriveau endorses the Innocenti Declaration and therefore expects quiet, fully breastfed or chestfed babies “in arms” to be allowed to remain with their parent in the meeting rooms and virtual meeting rooms. Any nonseparating dyad is welcome to class.
This course has been awarded contact hours for IBCLCs including 5 hours of Lactation-specific Communication Skills.
Topics covered in this 55-hour lactation support course include:
The dyad and why it matters
How it works: The anatomy and physiology of lactation
Recognizing and helping with common challenges during lactation
Evidence-informed methods of care for the lactating dyad
Other ways to feed a baby when direct feeding isn't possible
Normal lactation and variations of normal
Birth practices and lactation
Understanding ages and stages during lactation
The lifecycle of lactation, breast changes, and infant development
Biochemistry of human milk
Milk banking and milk sharing
Supporting the dyad with special situations
Lactation and the use of medications
Communication skills and counseling skills
Legal issues commonly encountered in lactation
Ethics and the lactation helper
Fertility and lactation
Exam readiness: preparing for the IBLCE exam
Effective lactation teaching skills for adult learners

Gina Penka Corriveau

Gina is an independent, community-based IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and Midwife in the greater Denver Metro Area, Colorado (U.S.).
In addition to raising her blended family of 6 children, she has had the pleasure of working with thousands of families offering holistic lactation care, and helped hundreds to safely and lovingly welcome new babies into their lives. She is enthusiastic about working with adult learners, and began teaching and training adult courses in 2003.
Gina holds degrees in Midwifery and Integrative Therapeutics.
If you are looking for Gina's Cinical webpage, please visit Moonbabies Birth Services